Products & Services
- Abis d.o.o.
Maslovare bb
78223 Maslovare
Republika Srpska
Bosnia and Herzegovina
+387 51 760 011
Sawn and dried timber

What we do is primary and secondary timber processing and production of sawn and dried timber of all dimensions and classes. By using permanent development, modernisation and investment, we have created one of the most modern facilities for primary and secondary wood processing in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have a huge sawing capacity of 22,000 m3and automatic modern wood drying facilities, which we can use tomeet the demanding needs of our customers. a
We produce sawn timber from raw fir, spruce and pine, from the areas of the Western parts of the Republika Srpska and BiH, which have a tradition of a high quality. The climate of this area provides ideal conditions for growing of good-quality trees of high technical and technological characteristics. In accordance with the needs of our customers for different types of trees, we import raw materials from the area of Croatia, Slovenia and Austria. Since we have been a socially responsible company, whose behaviour is responsible to the environment where we operate.
A wide spectrum of our wood assortment consists of:
- Sawn timber of all dimensions and classes
- Timber boards of 1,5m< length
- Dried and raw lamella for laminated window scantling 28x92mm
- Dried and raw carpenter’s goods (wood plank and 48 mm board)
- Other products made of fir, spruce and pine as per customer’s demands
Our products are used in further production for:
- Furniture production
- Massive panels production
- Preparation of exhibition stands
- Wall cladding production
- Interior design
- Flooring
- Production of auxiliary buildings